Ethical Code
The attention and care of human and ethical values, rights and duties, responsibilities towards all stakeholders of the Company are predominant factors and essential for professional excellence qualification of the staff of M.G.Security and their ethics.
The Ethics Code identifies moral rights and duties, defining the ethical and moral responsibility of each participant in the Company.
In this sense, the Code regulates the set of rights, duties and responsibilities that M.G.Security expressly assumes in relation to its stakeholders with whom it interacts during the performance of its institutional activities.
The Ethical Code adopted by MGSecurity aims to ensure fair and effective transaction management and human relations of the Company to and from its stakeholders, so as to support the company’s reputation and build trust towards’ external.
The Ethical Code takes the key role in order to prevent irresponsible or illegal behavior on the part of those who operate in the name and on behalf of the company, as it introduces a clear and explicit definition of ethical and social responsibilities of its executives, employees and suppliers to various interlocutors with whom it relates.